Electronics specialization

Elementary semiconductor physics
Introduction to circuit simulation with PSPICE
The p-n junction: construction and polarization. Circuit models and sample circuits
Bipolar and MOS transistors: physical structure and models of operation
Analog and digital circuits : amplifiers, current mirrors, logic gates
Operational amplifiers and principles of A/D and D/A converters
Laboratory experiences with diodes, BJT transistors and Operational Amplifiers

Digital Electronic Systems Design
Giuliano Donzellini

The course introduces the basics of digital systems design. In the first part, the course covers elements of Boolean algebra and binary arithmetic, and the methods of analysis and design of combinational and sequential digital networks. Sequential systems will be modelled using the finite state machines methodology, with the help of Algorithmic State Machine charts. Next, the course cover digital systems structured on data-path and controller modules. The course introduces also the basics on programmable device techniques and on hardware description languages. In the last part, after the definition of the elements of microcomputer architectures, the course introduces the development of embedded systems, particularly with respect to the machine language programming, interfacing with external devices, interrupt techniques, and the use of the microcomputer as system controller.

Binary codes and binary arithmetic. Conversions between binary, decimal, hexadecimal number formats.  Representation of signed integer numbers using the two-complement technique. Alphanumeric representation codes.
Logical combinational networks and Boolean functions. Boolean algebra and its properties. Fundamental and combined operators. Shannon expansion theorems.  Minimization of Boolean functions, Karnaugh maps.
Decoder, Encoder, Multiplexer and Demultiplexer. Arithmetical circuits (Adder, Subtractor, Magnitude Compander, Arithmetic Logic Units).  Error detection circuits (Parity Checkers).
Introduction to sequential networks. Flip-Flop SR, D Latch, JK and D PET, preset and clear inputs. Parallel registers, shift registers, synchronous and asynchronous binary counters. Analysis and simulation of sequential networks.
Introduction to Finite State Machine (FSM) model (Moore and Mealy machines).  FSM representation and design: Algorithmic State Machine (ASM) charts. Status Block, Conditional Block, Conditioned Outputs. Examples of simple synchronous FSMs' design. State assignment.  Introduction to asynchronous FSM.
Digital systems composed of standard elements controller by a timing module, FSM based; digital systems based on "data-path and controller” architecture.
Introduction to programmable digital systems: PLD, CPLD, FPGA: introduction to the Hardware Description Languages (VHDL basics).
Basic elements of a digital computer: Central Processing Units, Memory, Input/Output System. Bus systems: address, data and control signals. Solid state memories concepts. Introduction to embedded system concepts.
Architecture of a microprocessor : registers, calculating unit, sequencer. Programs and instructions: stages of fetch, decode, execute. Machine language. Mnemonic format of instructions and assembly language. Example of execution of a generic instruction. CISC and RISC processors.
Introduction to assembly programming. Comparison with high-level languages. Addressing modes. Instruction set and their functional classification. Data transfer instructions. Arithmetic and logical instructions. Jump instructions. The structure of the stack. Subroutine call instructions and return from subroutine.
Hardware design of a microcomputer suitable for embedded system applications. Clock Generator, reset circuits, address decoder. Memory sub-system and memory management.
Input / Output devices. Basic techniques of parallel and serial interfacing. Handshake between devices. Interrupt techniques. Interrupt handling and device recognition, priorities and interrupt controller. The microcomputer as controller of an embedded digital system.
Introduction to RISC 32-bits microprocessors (ARM7).

Signals and Systems (lecturer: Prof. Carlo Braccini)
-          Time-Invariant Systems.
-          Time Domain and Frequency Domain: Fourier Analysis.
-          Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT).
-       Examples of application problems.

Modulation and Coding (lecturer: Prof. Sandro Zappatore)
-          Multiplexing of multiple signals in the frequency domain (FDM) and time (TDM).
-       Analog modulations, linear and angular.
-          Sampling and pulse modulation.
-          Digital Modulations.

The structure of a telecommunications network (lecturer: Prof. Mario Marchese)
-          Functional levels, protocols and interfaces, packet switching networks / circuit switching networks, introduction to internetworking.
-          The data link level: the concept of encapsulation and transport, the action of a switch.
-          Ethernet and its extensions.
-          802.2 and 802.3 standards.
-          VLAN.
-          PPP.
-          IP protocol, IP addressing and routing.
-          TCP and UDP.

Introduction to sonar systems (lecturer: Prof. Andrea Trucco)
- Problems in the exploration of the sea
- Nature of sound waves; characteristic quantities
- Propagation of sound in the marine environment; computation of attenuation
- Outline of underwater acoustic transducers
- Passive sonar systems and active sonar systems; computation of benefits through balance equation
- Applications of civil and military sonar equipments

The course provides the basic concepts of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). It mainly concentrate on the following topics:
1.    introduction and course organization
2.    motivation for studying electromagnetic compatibility: examples of electromagnetic interference in civil and military applications
3.    definitions and electromagnetic compatibility targets: governamental constraints and effective electromagnetic compatibility
4.    governamental requirements for commercial and military products: overview on EMC standards
5.    fundamental issues related to electromagnetic fields (transmission lines; plane, cylindrical and spherical waves; energy considerations; frequency spectrum; polarization)
6.    radiated emissions and susceptibility (overview of radiated phenomena; near and far fields; main classes of antennas; transmitting and receiving antennas; antennas figures of merit; performances versus frequency; wideband antennas; differential and common mode currents)
8.    crosstalk
9.    measurements of radiated and conducted emissions and susceptibility tests for verification of compliance
10.    protective measures against EMI (grounding, shielding, bonding, EMI filters, cables, connectors and components)
11.    considerations related to system design (5 h; 56 h overall)
12.    first considerations related to EMI/EMC modeling techniques and to numerical simulators for EMC analysis and design
13.    first considerations related to the biological effects of electromagnetic fields

Supplementary teaching, practical work / laboratory and factory tours

Final project work